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AUGUST 2, 1998: Moon Illusion
- During this week the waxing gibbous moon will travel eastward among the stars,
illuminating the landscape with increasing brilliance. By Saturday it will be in
the full phase, positioned opposite to the sun, and rising at sunset. Many of us
will catch the yellowed moon as it first climbs into the dimming twilight and
remark to ourselves about its huge appearance in the evening sky. Actually,
the moon is no larger when rising than when it is high in the sky. You can
demonstrate this to yourself with a dime, which is barely large enough to hide
the full moon. By holding the dime at arm’s length, you can occult the full
moon when it is rising or high in the sky. But the illusion does appear very
real as we watch moonrises around the time of its full phase. What is really
happening? Trees, homes, telephone poles, and other distant objects near the
horizon appear smaller because they are farther away. Yet we know through
common experience, that if we were nearer to these objects, their size in
comparison to us would be much larger. Now, let’s put the moon into the
setting. Our eyes see the moon in back of distant objects which our brain
knows to be much larger than they actually appear. This results in a
psychological effect which causes the brain to perceive the moon as a larger
object than it actually is. The same effect works for the constellations
which can appear absolutely huge when in a rising position.
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AUGUST 9, 1998: Perseid Meteors
- The second full week of August is the time when Perseid meteors fly. Unlike
last year when the heavens were devoid of lunar influences during the morning
hours, this year’s show is marred for most of the night by the glare of the
moonlight. Still, the Perseids represent the best chance of seeing meteors
because of their abundance, warm weather, and summer vacations. Your best
opportunity for catching Perseids are after midnight on the morning of August
11th and throughout the night of August 11/12. Before and after these dates
however, Perseids can still be easily seen. The moon rises about 9:50 p.m.
on the 10th and 10:30 p.m. on the 11th. By midnight the radiant, which is
the location from which Perseids will appear to be diverging, will be in the
NE about one-third of the way up in the sky. By 4:00 a.m. Earth’s rotation
has carried the radiant to nearly 70 degrees above the NE horizon. Make
sure you have a sleeping bag or blankets to keep you warm, a lawn chair or
air mattress for comfort, flashlights, snacks, something warm to drink, and
mosquito repellent. Position your equipment to avoid looking at the moon
directly. StarWatch columns for July 27, August 3, and 10, 1997 dealt with
meteor observing in greater detail. These are archived on the home page
noted below.
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AUGUST 16, 1998: Cygnus X-1
- Astronomers believe that roughly 90 percent of the mass of our Milky Way
galaxy is in the form of nonluminous material. A certain amount of this dark
matter is relegated to black holes, gravitational wells, where a once massive
star had gone supernova. In the hellish end scene of the star’s existence, as
its core rapidly collapsed, some of its material was squeezed so tightly that
it disappeared from space and time forever. Remaining around the collapsed
center of the exploded star was gravity, so strong that not even light could
escape it. Today, almost all astronomers believe that black holes are
scientific fact. One of them Cygnus X-1 lies very near to a star named Eta
Cygni in the constellation of Cygnus, the Swan. To find it, face east about
11 p.m., and look directly overhead. You’ll see the Great Summer Triangle
straddling the zenith. The faintest member of the triad is Deneb. It is
the brightest star in Cygnus. You probably won’t see a swan, but you
should notice a large cross with its staff extending well into the triangle.
You’re looking at a part of the swan called the Northern Cross. Where the
"staff" and the "cross" meet is a fairly bright star called Gamma. The
next star along the staff is Eta, fainter than Gamma, but still visible from
an urban location. Look just on the Gamma side of Eta Cygni, and that is the
location of Cygnus X-1, the most famous black hole in the heavens.
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AUGUST 23, 1998: Double, Double
- More than half of the stars that we see in the sky are multiple systems,
meaning that there are two or more stars in orbit around a common center.
Some of these systems can be seen with only binoculars or spotting scopes.
One very easy binocular double is located in the Great Summer Triangle
which is nearly overhead about 10 p.m. The brightest star of this threesome
is blue-white Vega in the constellation of Lyra, the Harp. It is the sixth
brightest luminary of the heavens. Facing east with binoculars, and centering
on Vega, you’ll notice four stars in the shape of a parallelogram to the right
of Vega. This represents the strings of the harp. Another star is situated
below and slightly to Vega’s left. Now look again at this star called Epsilon
Lyrae. It is really two stars--a double star system separated by about 1/15th
of a degree. Both stars are virtually the same brightness. But what makes
Epsilon Lyrae so special is that each of these stars is also a double star.
You’d need a good telescope at 150-200 power to resolve them easily. Look
again with binoculars at the left component of the double called Epsilon 1
Lyrae. Remember that a good telescope can split this star into two
components separated by nearly three seconds of arc. The brighter star of
this double is also a double star. Getting confused? Me too! The bottom
line is that there are double stars everywhere you look.
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AUGUST 30, 1998: Rainbows
- The rainbow is nature’s universal translator, for within its spectrum of
colors hides the codes which allow us to decipher the secrets of the cosmos.
The spectrum when accurately prepared and recorded can allow astronomers to
discover such diverse properties as temperature, composition, mass, distance,
and movement. Extend the spectrum into its invisible parts which can be
recorded by sophisticated instrumentation, and you can now obtain a portrait
of the heavens at different energy levels. If you’re vigilant, you will
probably have at least a half dozen opportunities to see a natural rainbow
during the course of a year. Three conditions must be met. It needs be
raining, a low sun must be shining through the rain, and you must be located
between the sun and the falling raindrops facing away from the sun. A late
afternoon thunderstorm with rapid clearing offers the best hope of catching
a natural bow. Rays of sunlight shining through the falling rain are
internally reflected and dispersed into the colors that we see. In the
primary bow, red will be on the outside, while blue will be on the inside.
When a secondary bow forms, you’ll notice that the colors are reversed.
Impatient for a natural rainbow? Then use a garden hose turned to a fine
spray on the next, hot sunny day. While you’re having fun dousing the kids,
make sure your back is to the sun, and you can enjoy the beauty of the
rainbow too!