Current Solar X-rays: Current Geomagnetic Field: |
Watch over the next several weeks as Venus (brighter) and Jupiter nearly merge on the evening of June 30. Gary A. Becker image from Coopersburg, PA... |
It’s hard to believe that only 90 minutes before this picture was taken conditions were mostly overcast. It cleared just in time to capture the moon, Venus, and Jupiter in conjunction against the waning daylight. Gary A. Becker photo from Coopersburg, PA... |
After violent storms passed that left nearly three quarters of a million people without electricity in the Philadelphia area, there was no rainbow, but a very beautiful sunset. Gary A. Becker photo from Coopersburg, PA... |
Hazy conditions augmented the brightness of Venus and Jupiter on the evening of June 23 as they approached each other for the close conjunction of June 30. Image taken by Gary A. Becker from Coopersburg, PA... |
Moving ever closer to the big conjunction night of June 30, Venus (right) and Jupiter appear bright and close during a clear patch of sky on the evening of June 26. A few hours later it was cloudy as a major weather system approached from the west. Image taken by Gary A. Becker from Coopersburg, PA... |
June 29 saw Jupiter and Venus move to within one degree of each other. June 30 will see them only 1/3 degree apart. Will the forecasted storms depart in time to see this spectacular conjunction—probably not? Image taken by Gary A. Becker from Coopersburg, PA... |