Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: |
Current Moon Phase |
Leonid meteors will be radiating from the area marked with an "X." Don't go out before moonset around 3 a.m. and don't expect a storm like a decade ago. Rates should max around dawn with 15-20 meteors visible each hour. Map by Gary A. Becker using Software Bisque's The Sky,... |
The moon at six days. Canon 60D, EFL 2136mm, F/14.4, 1/40 sec., ASA 200... Gary A. Becker image from Coopersburg, PA... |
The moon at nine days showing the area of the enlarged image in the next photo. |
The moon at nine days highlighting the Straight Wall, a 65 mile fault line running NW to SE along the eastern side of Mare Nubium. The 12 mile in diameter crater, Birt, just to the west of the Straight Wall can also be seen. Canon 60D, EFL 2136mm, Questar, 90mm, F/14.4, 1/40 sec., ASA 200... Gary A. Becker image from Coopersburg, PA... |
This composite image of Jupiter and three of its four Galilean satellites was taken on November 28 at 9:02 p.m. A 7-inch Questar, F/14.4 was used to snap Jupiter at 1/30 second, ASA 200. The original picture was underexposed by several stops. North is up. Prominent in the picture is Jupiter’s Northern Equatorial Belt. The Southern Equatorial Belt has been absent since May of this year. Gary A. Becker photo from Coopersburg, PA... |