Subject Index to StarWatch Articles
Observing/Highlights/Miscellaneous Optical Effects Misconceptions
History of Astronomy/Archaeoastronomy Time/Seasons/Holidays Eclipses/Occultations/Transits Earth/Moon
Solar System Comets Meteors/Meteorites Auroras Sun/Stars/Clusters Milky Way/Galaxies/Universe
Constellations Sky Maps Binoculars/Telescopes Astronomical Imaging Satellites/Space Travel
Emergency Stock Articles: World Access Weather
0175 Astronomical Highlights for 2000 (1-2-00)
0227 Highlights for 2001 (12-31-00)
0279 What's In Store for 2002? (12-30-01)
0331 Heaven's Best for 2003 (12-29-02)
0384 2004: In A Nutshell (1-4-04) photo included
0437 Planets On Tap for 2005 (1-2-05)
0490 Astronomical Events for 2006 (1-8-06) drawing included
0541 Astronomical Treats for 2007 (12-31-06) drawing included
0646 Events for January 2009 (1-4-09) map included
0698 Good Observing for 2010! (1-3-10)
0803 2012: A Big Year Ahead (1-8-12)
0855 Surprises Could Make 2013 Interesting (1-6-13) photo included
0908 Early Bird Events Mark 2014 (1-12-14)
0958 2015: A Good Year for Astronomy (12-28-14)
1271 2021: Solar System on Parade (12-27-20)
1324 The View in 2022 (1-2-22)
1376 2023: A Great Year For Observing (1-2-22)
0163 The Blob (10-10-99)
0191 The Back of Beyond (4-23-00) photo included
0193 Astronomy on the Go (5-7-00)
0199 Starlight, not Streetlight (6-18-00)
0207 (8-13-00) photo included
0219 Astronomy at the Met (11-5-00) photo included
0221 Strange Lights (11-19-00)
0260 Thunder in the Canyon (8-19-01)
0267 City Lights, Starlight (10-7-01) photo included
0271 Light Pollution Initiative (11-4-01) photo included
0283 A Sentient Universe (1-27-02)
0304 Astronomy Along I-40 (6-23-02)
0311 Watch Those Facts! (8-11-02)
0314 Starlight Not Streetlight (9-1-02)
0315 Sirius: An American K9 Hero (9-8-02) photo included
0318 Planet Walk (9-29-02)
0336 A Very Bad Day (2-2-03)
0337 Less Than a Heartbeat (2-9-03)
0344 Kirchhoff's Laws (3-30-03) photo included
0346 Spin Doctor (4-13-03)
0351 Farmers' Almanac, Stand Down (5-18-03)
0352 What's Your Sign? (5-25-03)
0353 Astrology: Read but do not Believe (6-1-03)
0354 Spock, Where is the Logic? (6-8-03)
0370 Astronomy is... (9-28-03) photos included
0382 Santa's North Star Navigational System (12-21-03) photo included
0386 Music of the Spheres (1-18-04)
0389 Spinoffs from Space Exploration (2-8-04)
0398 The Planet Quiz Show (4-11-04)
0399 StarWatch Observing Dates (4-18-04)
0403 It Truly is a Miracle--Part 1 (5-16-04)
0404 It Truly is a Miracle--Part 2 (5-23-04)
0410 Christmas in July (7-4-04) photo included
0423b Science Fest 2004 to Shine (10-9-04)
0453 Misquoted (4-24-05)
0478 Go Postal! (10-16-05) photo included
0479 Recovering Dyslectic! (10-23-05) drawing included
0494 "Doc" (2-5-06) drawing included
0500 Celebration (3-19-06)
0501 Disappearing Act at Lehigh Elementary (3-26-06)
0535 The True Spirit of Giving (11-19-06)
0539 Vomit Comet (12-17-06) two sets of photos included
0555 Front Yard Safari (4-8-07) photo included
0557 "Contact" (4-22-07) photo included
0581 Heroes (10-7-07) two photos included
0588 Imagine the Infinite (11-25-07) two photos included
0605 Robert Brown (3-23-08) photo included
0612 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? (5-11-08)
0620 One More Book (7-6-08) unrelated photo included
0628 God and the Space Junky (8-31-08) photo included
0633 Comfort Food for the Soul (10-5-08)
0634 We Aren't in Kansas Anymore (10-12-08) many photos included
0639 Giving Thanks to the Universe (11-16-08) photo included
0641 Busted (11-30-08) three photos included
0644 With Every Breath That I Take (12-21-08)
0650 Quantum Entanglement (2-1-09) photo included
0655 The Heavens Belong to Everyone (3-8-09) two photos included
0667 One with the Universe (5-31-09)
0675 Invasion of the Noctilucent Clouds (7-26-09) two photos included
0690 Love That Meridian (11-8-09) one photo included
0710 Star Partying Near Ghost Mountain (3-28-10) one photo included
0725 Moon, Planets, Stars Reveal Ecliptic (7-11-10)
0730 "Gate To Nowhere" Going Somewhere (8-15-10) one photo included
0745 Brian Marsden: Astronomer Go-To (11-28-10) one photo included
0754 I Knew Someone Who Knew... (1-30-11) one photo included
0755 Anaxagoras (2-6-11)
0757 Vega and the Prince (2-20-11) one photo included
0768 One Shift Two Shift Redshift Blueshift (5-8-11) photo included
0771 Gravity Trains: Jules Verne's Version of Amtrak (5-29-11) illustration included
0779 Magnets, Trains, and the Universe (7-24-11)
0786 Remembering Sirius (9-11-11)
0794 White Halloween (11-6-11) three photos included
0815 Journey of an Iceberg (4-1-12) photo included
0861 Thank You, Mrs. Hurd (2-17-13) photo included
0893 Opa (9-29-13)
0934 Spoiler Alert: Watney Smelled Like a Skunk (7-13-14)
0939 Life of Flight Sputters (8-17-14) two photos included
0945 An Amazing Ride (9-28-14) photo included
0952 Interstellar is Outstanding (11-16-14)
0965 Riding Light (2-15-15)
0975 Boots on Mars (4-26-15)
0980 An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth (5-31-15) photo included
0997 The Martian: "Home Alone" (9-27-15) two photos included
1000 StarWatch 1000 (10-18-15)
1001 No Deal Breakers for The Martian (10-25-15)
1014 Challenger Plus 30 (1-24-16)
1028 Pete: You Old Space Dog (5-1-16) photo included
1032 Saturn Run (5-29-16) photo included
1033 Living in the Matrix (6-5-16)
1047 Wedding Crasher (9-11-16) many photos included
1050 Dying: A Different Perspective (10-2-16) many photos included
1056 Jim Had to Climb (11-13-16) photo included
1057 Arrival (11-20-16) three photos included
1062a Godspeed, John Glenn (12-25-16a)
1064 So You Want to Go to Space? (1-8-17)
1071 Eclipse Dreaming (2-26-17)
1073 BloomSky for Everyone (3-12-17) five photos included
1083 Dark Matter (5-21-17) photos included
1084 Thermochromic Stamp to Commemorate Eclipse (5-28-17) photo included
1091 Ripples in Time (7-16-17)
1092 Bat in a Hat (7-23-17) photo included
1093 It Rained Last Night (7-30-17) photo included
1109 Robotic Observatory Becoming a Reality (11-19-17) five photos included
1117 Proxima: A Wild Ride into the Future (1-14-18)
1121 Science and Art: Girl with a Pearl Earring (2-11-18) photo included
1133 Gaby (5-6-18) photo included
1149 It's Just Another Day on Mars (5-6-18)
1151 Record Misery for Late Summer (9-9-18)
1158 Moravian's BloomSky Looking Sweet (10-28-18)
1160 First Man: No Thrust (11-11-18)
1166 Merry Christmas, Ole Saint "Mick" (12-23-18)
1167 Lee Butz: Star Salesman (12-30-18) photo included
1173 What's Your Sign? (2-10-19)
1186 The Thunder Tube (5-12-19) photo included
1187 In Astronomy Lab 106 (5-19-19) six photos included
1189 End of "The Big Bang Theory" (6-2-19)
1192 NCL Outbreak (6-23-19) two photos included
1193 BloomSky Weather Monitors Observatories (6-30-19) two photos included
1201 Serendipity (8-25-19) four photos included
1202 Godspeed, Learning Dome (9-1-19) three photos included
1204 Down-Up-Sangre (9-15-19) photo included
1206 Ad Astra: Atypical of Space Adventures (9-29-19) photo included
1218 Under the Same Canopy (12-22-19)
1234 Ad Astra: Look to the Stars (4-12-20)
1235 Snapple Bottle Caps: True or False? (4-19-20) photo included
1252 Science: Observe, Deduct, Adjust (8-16-20)
1264 Grateful Thanks to Shooting Star's Bill and Johnny (11-8-20) many photos included
1274 Snapple Caps: True or False (1-17-21) photo included
1275 Rescued by Rosa (1-24-21) many photos included
1279 Ironic, This Concept of Diversity (2-21-21)
1281 Moravian's Sky Deck Refurbished (3-7-21) many photos included
1286 The Winter Journey (4-11-21) four photos included
1290 Extraterrestrial: Avi Loeb (5-9-21) photo included
1300 Madhouse at the End of the Earth (7-18-21) three photos included
1304 Unvarnished John Glenn (8-15-21) two photos included
1305 Prayer in Cairo (8-22-21) two photos included
1306 StarWatch at 25 (8-29-21)
1310 CHAPEA: It's Not a Dominican Bean Stew (9-26-21) two photos included
1326 The River of Doubt (1-16-22) three photos included
1327 All Jammed Up in Low Earth Orbit (1-23-22)
1330 Cosmos: Making Love Out of Nothing at All (2-13-22) photo included
1331 Super Volcanoes (2-20-22) photo included
1348 The Chambliss Award (6-19-22) photo included
1349 Moravian's Robotic Observatory Working Again (6-26-22) three photo included
1351 The Rat (7-10-22)
1356 Thumbs Up! (8-14-22)
1358 50 Years in Education: Lessons Learned (8-28-22)
1359 "IDIC: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations" (9-4-22)
1370 Grateful Thanks to Adam and Mike (11-20-22)
1378 New Term, New Opportunities (1-15-23) photo included
1380 Cosmic Perspective Alive and Well at Moravian (1-29-23)
1388 "Wild Commas" (3-26-23) two photos included
1403 An Epiphany of Sorts (7-9-23)
1408 Where the Hell is Hanksville (8-13-23) four photos included
1410 Student Reflections on "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" (8-27-23)
1415 Thank You, George (10-1-23) two photos included
1423 Grateful Thanks: Update on the Observatory (11-26-23) eight photos included
1468 The Most Remarkable Fynn (10-6-24) three photos included
0003 Rising/Setting Positions of Sun Changing (9-16-96)
0016 Winter Solstice (12-16-96)
0044 Reasons for the Seasons (6-29-97)
0070 The Downside of the Sun (12-28-97)
0094 Summer Solstice (6-14-98)
0212 Where is My Sunshine Going? (9-17-00)
0244 Astronomical Refraction (4-29-01) photo included
0251 It's Summertime (6-17-01)
0303 Witnessing Summer (6-16-02)
0316 Welcome to Autumn (9-15-02)
0342 Happy Springtime! (3-16-03)
0434 Low Sun (12-12-04)
0439 Winter's Heat (1-16-05) photos included
0447 Inequality on the Equinox (3-13-05) photos included
0486 Turning the Corner Towards Spring (12-11-05)
0496 Spring: It's Just Around the Corner (2-19-06) photo included
0498 Temperature Extremes (3-5-06)
0513 It's Summertime (6-18-06)
0536 Earliest Sunset Nearly Upon Us (11-26-06)
0552a Celestial Potpourri (3-18-07)
0552b Celestial Potpourri (3-20-07) two photos included
0563 More to the Solstices Than You Think (6-3-07)
0564 Solstice Party: Part One (6-10-07) one map included
0565 Solstice Party: Part Two (6-17-07) one map included
0591 Plunge to Winter (12-16-07)
0603 The Great Leap into Spring (3-9-08)
0604 Spring Finally Spring (3-16-08)
0631 Autumn Gloom (9-21-08)
0643 Io Saturnalia! (12-14-08)
0656 Spring: A Commotion of Emotion (3-15-09) one photo included
0668 Ringing in the Summer (6-7-09)
0696 Solstice Happiness (12-20-09)
0708 Jumping Juniper: It's Spring (3-14-10)
0718 Colder Winters Ahead? (5-23-10)
0721 Endless Summer (6-13-10) three photos included
0733 Seasonal Lag Makes Summer a Drag (9-5-10)
0792 Seasons Lag Behind Sun (10-23-11) photo included
0800 Low Sun, High Hopes (12-18-11)
0802 Fastest, Closest in January (1-1-12)
0812 Chachapoyas or Bust (3-11-12) four photos included
0828 Hot Summer, Distant Sun (7-1-12) photo included
0839 Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall (9-16-12) photo included
0845 From Snow to Blow (11-4-12) three photos included
0852 Low Sun, High Spirits (12-16-12)
0869 More Than Meets the Eye (4-14-13)
0880 Cause of the Seasons Not Intuitive (6-30-13) drawing included
0930 Summer Solstice or a Midsummer Night's Dream (6-15-14)
0938 Dog Days Not All about Heat (8-10-14) photo included
0940 Swing High, Swing Low (8-24-14)
0942 Harvest Moon Shine Down on Me (9-7-14)
0957 Winter Solstice: Low Sun, High Hopes (12-21-14)
0962 More Daylight, Please (1-25-15)
0970 Sky Announces Spring (3-22-15)
0983 Finally, It's Summer (6-21-15) two photos included
0994 Autumn, Just Around the Corner (9-6-15)
1005 A Warmer Winter? (11-22-15) map included
1016 Get Sirius Punxsutawney Phil! (2-7-16)
1022 Finally Spring (3-20-16)
1035 Highest Sun, Lowest Moon (6-19-16) drawing and two photos included
1058 Earliest Sunset December 7 (11-27-16)
1061 Anticipating Summer Starts This Week (12-18-16)
1072 An Explosion of Light (3-5-17)
1101 Harvest Moon, Shine Down on Me (9-24-17)
1125 On the Cusp of Spring (3-11-18)
1127 Spring? You Must be Kidding! (3-25-18)
1139 Winter Already Visible in Summer s Sky (6-17-18)
1178 Spring has Sprung, Finally! (3-17-19) photo included
1230 A COVID-19 Spring (3-15-20)
1233 South Pole: Night on the Ice (4-5-20)
1237 Big Dipper: Pulse of the Seasons (5-3-20)
1243 Summer Solstice Almost Over (6-14-20)
1257 Say Goodbye to the Sun (9-20-20)
1258 Harvest Moon This Week (9-27-20)
1280 Edge of Spring (2-28-21)
1296 'Tis the Season of Summer (6-20-21) photo included
1308 Harvest Moon: What's in a Name? (9-12-21)
1332 Just Three Millimeters Per Year (2-27-22)
1333 An Explosion of Daylight (3-6-22)
1334 The Seven Warning Signs of Spring (3-13-22)
1360 Closing Time (9-11-22)
1361 "Danger, Will Robinson! Earth Approaching Sun!" (9-18-22)
1387 The Season of Brightness Begins (3-19-23) photo included
1400 It's Summertime! (6-18-23) photo included
1413 The Falling Time of Year (9-17-23)
1452 The A Number to Remember, 23.5 (6-16-24)
1453 Spring and Summer's Extended Twilight (6-23-24) illustration included
1465 Sliding into Fall (9-15-24)
0069 Happy Saturnalia (12-21-97)
0113 Halloween Magic (10-26-98)
0127 Star of Wonder (1-31-99)
0172 Star of Bethlehem: Part 1 (12-12-99)
0173 Star of Bethlehem: Part 2 (12-19-99)
0277 Yule Lights (12-16-01)
0322 All Hallows Eve (10-27-02)
0328 Venus: Star of Bethlehem Look-Alike (12-8-02) photo included
0330 Christmas on Mars (12-22-02); photos included
0435 Listen to the Music (12-19-04)
0441 Here is to Gray on Groundhog Day! (1-30-05) photos included
0488 She Was the Sun; I Was the Moon (12-25-05) photo included
0592a Stellar Celebration (12-23-07)
0592b Stellar Celebration (12-25-07)
0740 All Hallow's Eve (10-24-10)
0809 Easter will Always Occur in the Spring (2-19-12)
0858 The Groundhog Speaks (1-27-13)
0897 Halloween (10-27-13)
0905 Two Stars Light the Yule Sky (12-22-13)
0963 Groundhog Day: Not the Movie (2-1-15)
0971 Easter Confusion (3-29-15)
0982 Christmas in July, Almost! (6-14-15)
1106 All Hallow's Eve (10-29-17)
1114 Christmas and the Saturnalia (12-24-17)
1181 Follow the Moon to Easter (4-7-19)
1269 Faith in a Star (12-13-20) numerous photos included
1272 Sequel to the "Star" (1-3-21)
1276 Will Winter Last Six More Weeks? (1-31-21) photo included
1278 Berenice's Love (2-14-21) map included
1285 Rebirth (4-4-21)
1314 Night of the Living Dead (10-24-21)
1322 What Stars are These with Beams so Bright? (12-19-21) two maps included
1367 The Astronomy Surrounding Halloween (10-30-22) photo included
1382 Amorous Heavens: Not So Fast! (2-12-23) photo included
1479 Stunning Hope Captured in the Eagle (12-22-24) two photos included
Lunar Eclipses
0004 Total Lunar Eclipses (9-23-96)
0029 Partial Lunar Eclipse and Hale-Bopp (3-16-97) map included
0030a Partial Lunar Eclipse Tonight (3-23-97)
0176 Bright Lunar Eclipse Predicted (1-9-00) diagram included
0177 Scope the Lunar Eclipse (1-16-00) map included
0200 Long Lunar Eclipse (6-25-00)
0278 Saturn Occultation and Lunar Eclipse End Year (12-23-01)
0349 Total Lunar Eclipse on Tap (5-4-03) map included
0350a View the Lunar Eclipse at Dieruff (5-11-03)
0350b Clouds Eclipse Total Lunar Eclipse (5-16-03) photo included
0372 Hawk Mountain Eclipse (10-12-03) photo about Dieruff StarWatch
0373a See the Lunar Eclipse at Hawk Mountain (10-19-03) diagram included
0373b Total Lunar Eclipses Not So Common (10-22-03)
0374a Dress Warmly for the Hawk Mountain Eclipse (10-26-03) photos and maps included
0374b Predicting a Colorful Eclipse (10-29-03)
0375a Hawk Mountain Lunar Eclipse Update (11-2-03) photos and maps included
0375b Curtain Time for A Great Lunar Eclipse (11-5-03)
0375c Hawk Mountain Lunar Eclipse Day (11-8-03)
0377b Smiling Moon (11-22-03) photo included
0424 Valley to be Eclipsed, October 27 (10-10-04) graphics included
0425 Observing the October 27 Lunar Eclipse-1 (10-17-04) photo included
0426a Observing the October 27 Lunar Eclipse-2 (10-24-04)
0426b Final Call for Tonight's Total Lunar Eclipse (10-26-04)
0428a Great Eclipse Despite the Clouds (10-31-04) photos included
0428b Bright Eclipse (11-1-04)
0548 Umbra to Court Moon (2-18-07) diagram included
0549 See Lunar Eclipse at Quakertown Airport (2-25-07) three photos included
0573 Inspirational Dawn Eclipse (8-12-07)
0574 Running with the Shadows of the Night (8-19-07) one photo included
0576 Red Dawn in the West (9-2-07) four photos included
0598 Prime Time Lunar Eclipse Set for February 20 (2-3-08) one photo included
0599 Total Lunar Eclipse Will Be A Treat (2-10-08) one diagram included
0600a Wednesday Eclipse Set for Quakertown (2-17-08) four photos included
0600b Beautiful Red Eclipse (2-24-08) 10 photos included
0743 Looking Forward to December (11-14-10)
0748 Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse Upon Us (12-19-10) diagram plus 10 images included
0750 Cold Hands, Warm Heart (1-2-11) photo included
0870 Jupiter, Saturn, and an Eclipse (4-21-13)
0873 The Eclipse that Almost Isn't (5-12-13) seven photos included
0895 Ephemeral Lunar Eclipse (10-13-13) one drawing and a photo included
0918 April 15: Lunar Eclipse Game Time (3-23-14) drawing included
0919 Watching a Total Lunar Eclipse (3-30-14) composite photo included
0920 Bolero: Mood Music to Watch an Eclipse (4-6-14) diagram and photo included
0921 Curtain Call for a Great Lunar Eclipse (4-13-14) composite photo included
0946 WARNING: Excessive Tiredness May Result (10-5-14)
0991 September's Total Lunar Eclipse (8-16-15) Perseid photo included
0996 September's Lunar Eclipse to Dazzle (9-20-15) two moon photos included
0998 Lucky Break Lunar Eclipse (10-4-15) photos included
1068 Sunglasses at Night (2-5-17)
1119 Bummer Blue Moon Total Lunar Eclipse (1-28-18)
1168 Colorful Eclipse to Favor Americas (1-6-19) photos included
1169 Can't Miss Total Lunar Eclipse (1-13-19)
1170 Blood Moon Threatens Universe (1-20-19) map included
1171 Cold, Cold, Cold Lunar Eclipse (1-27-19) six photos included
1292 The Lunar Eclipse You Won't See (5-23-21)
1316 Some Lunar Eclipse Misconceptions (11-7-21) photo included
1317 Lunar Eclipse on Tap This Week (11-14-21) photo included
1318 Playing in the shadows (11-21-21) many photos included
1341 Call me an Umbraphile (5-1-22)
1342 Total Lunar Eclipse Set for May 15/16 (5-8-22) photo included
1343 Total Lunar Eclipse Set for Sunday Evening (5-15-22) graphics included
1344 Chasing the Sky (5-22-22) six photos included
1368 Election Day Total Lunar Eclipse (11-6-22)
1369 Patriotic Moon (11-13-22) five photos included
1440 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, March 25 (3-24-24) photo included
1464 Partial Lunar Eclipse, Neptune Occultation (9-8-24)
0063a Near Occultation of the Moon and Saturn (11/9-11/97)
0067b Moon Occults Aldebaran (12/9-12/97)
0079a Occultation of Aldebaran (3/1-4/98)
0142 Moon to Occult Regulus (5-16-99)
0262 Moon Hides Saturn (9-2-01) map included
0274 Blue Moon Hides Saturn (11-25-01) map included
0278 Saturn Occultation and Lunar Eclipse End Year (12-23-01)
0286a Spectacular Saturn Occultation (2/17-20/02) map included
0286b Bad, Bad Weather (2/21-22/02)
0431 Moon to Occult Jupiter (11-21-04) photos and map included
0457a Antares Occultation (5-22-05)
0489b Moon to Occult Pleiades (1-2-06) map included
0501 Disappearing Act at Lehigh Elementary (3-26-06) map included
1013 Peekaboo Aldebaran (1-17-16)
1372 Full Moon To Nearly Graze Mars (12-4-22) photo included
1375 Mars' Near Graze Was A Wonderful Holiday Gift (12-25-22) map and four photos included
1448 Moon to Nearly Occult Antares this Week (5-19-24) map included
1455 Running with the Moon/Spectacular Spica Occultation (7-7-24)
1456 Spica Occultation Season is Here (7-14-24) computer graphics included
1458 Meteor Rates on the Upswing/Spica Occultation (7-28-24) map included
1481 Moon to Occult Mars on the 13th (1-5-25) map included
0166 Mercury Transits Sun (10-31-99)
0347 Mercury To Transit Sun (4-20-03) map included
0348 Mercury Transit Invitation (4-27-03)
0405 View the Venus Transit at Cabela's (5-30-04) diagrams included
0406a Venus Positioned for Transit (6-6-04) photos included
0406b The Black Dot on the Red Sun (6-9-04) photos included
0406c The Astronomical Unit and Venus (6-10-04)
0527 Mercury to Transit the Sun in November (9-24-06) map included
0533a Mercury Transits the Sun Midweek (11-5-06) map included
0772 One Year to Spectacular Venus Transit (6-5-11) photo collage included
0820 Safe Solar Observing (5-6-12)
0821 Rare Venus Transit, June 5 (5-13-12) photo included
0822 Venus Takes the Plunge (5-20-12)
0826 Transit of Love (6-17-12) three photos included
1029 Mercury to Transit Sun (5-8-16)
1030 Lucky Punk (5-15-16) photo included
1211 Mercury to Transit the Sun, November 11 (11-3-19)
1212 Transit: 'Weather' or Not? (11-10-19)
1213 Mercury Transit A Success! (11-17-19) six photos included
0006 Earthshine (10-7-96)
0012 Gibbous Moon (11-18-96)
0021 Lunar Highlands and Basins (1-19-97)
0039 Quarter Moon (5-25-97)
0040 Moon Near Sun (6-1-97)
0042 Low Moon, High Sun (6-15-97)
0046 See Where Eagle Landed (7-13-97)
0047 Moon, Stars, Planets Court (7-20-97)
0051 Day of the Full Moon (8-17-97)
0055 Harvest Moon (9-14-97)
0067a Moon in Conjunction With Saturn (12/7-8/97)
0101 Moon Illusion (8-2-98)
0109 Moon Phases (9-27-98)
0110 Somersaulting Moon (10-4-98)
0111 Waning Moon (10-11-98)
0126 Blue Moons Abound (1-24-99)
0134 Lore of the Blue Moon (3-21-99)
0135 Moon Madness (3-28-99)
0139 Blue Moon Enigma Solved (4-25-99)
0148 Moon Months: Synodic vs. Sidereal (6-27-99)
0160 Moon Names (9-19-99)
0185 Frog Sisters (3-12-00) drawing included
0190 Full Moons of Spring (4-16-00) drawing included
0210 When the Moon Does Not Rise or Set (9-3-00)
0248 Moon Bright (5-27-01) photo included
0253 Lunar Fireworks Frozen in Time (7-1-01) photo included
0306 Moon on the Run: Part 1 (7-7-02) map included
0307 Moon on the Run: Part 2 (7-14-02) map included
0308 Moon on the Run: Part 3 (7-21-02) map included
0309 Moon on the Run: Part 4 (7-28-02) map included
0313 Moon's Path Similar to Sun's Path (8-25-02)
0316 Welcome to Autumn (9-15-02)
0340 Water on the Moon (3-2-03)
0345 Moon Bright (4-6-03)
0380 Merrily Watching the Moon-Go-Round (12-7-03)
0408 Rock Star (6-20-04)
0411 Goodbye, Mr. Gorsky (7-11-04)
0413 Blue, Blue Moon (7-25-04)
0454 Young and Old Moons (5-1-05)
0455 Traveling Moon: Part 1 (5-8-05) photo included
0456 Traveling Moon: Part 2 (5-15-05)
0459 Walking in Moonlight (6-5-05) photos included
0465 Surf's Up (7-17-05)
0503 Does the Moon Rotate? (4-9-06) drawing included
0545 A Wild and Untamed Landscape (1-28-07) two photos included
0551 Young Moons (3-11-07)
0554 The Moon's Many Motions (4-1-07) three diagrams included
0570 Gardening on the Moon (7-22-07) one photo included
0658 Perigee-Apogee Moons (3-29-09)
0670 Ready Your Telescope for Apollo 11 (6-21-09) three photos included
0671 Apollo 11: To the Moon (6-28-09) two photos included
0672 Apollo 11: Landing on the Moon (7-5-09) two photos included
0673 Apollo 11: Preparing to Walk (7-12-09) four unrelated photos included
0674 One Small Step (7-19-09) three photos included
0685 By the Light of the Harvest Moon (10-4-09)
0701 Traveling Moon (1-24-10)
0705 Lunar Phases are Misunderstood (2-21-10) drawing included
0706 Misunderstood Lunar Phases (2-28-10)
0709 Smiley Moon (3-21-10)
0715 It's a Whole New Day for Our Moon (5-2-10)
0717 Moon Moves Among Planets This Week (5-16-10) two photos included
0738 Low Hanging Moon (10-10-10)
0753 Seeing Young Moons (1-23-11) one diagram and two photos included
0787 Follow the Moon (9-18-11) drawing included
0805 Season of the Young Moons (1-22-12) drawing included
0836 Blue Moon Shining on Me (8-26-12)
0849 Small Moon Rising (11-25-12) photo included
0856 Skinny Moon Debuts in Evening Sky (1-13-13) photo included
0857 Read by Moonlight (1-20-13) five photos included
0866 Full Moon Watch (3-24-13) two photos included
0868 Smiley Moon, Smile Down on Me (4-7-13) photo included
0878 Follow the Waxing Moon (6-16-13)
0886 Secrets of Copernicus (8-11-13) photo included
0937 Big, Bright Full Moon, August 10 (8-3-14) photo included
0978 Slivery Crescent at Dusk (5-17-15)
0988 Blue, Blue Moon (7-26-15)
1020 Seeing the Young Moon (3-6-16)
1034 Don't Ignore the Moon (6-12-16) six photos included
1039 Bright Moon Dominates Week (7-17-16)
1075 Smiley Moon This Week (3-26-17)
1088 Learning to Love the Moon (6-28-17)
1089 Satellite of Hard Knocks: The Moon (7-2-17)
1110 Lunar Phases Confusing (11-26-17)
1116 January's Moon Gone Wild (1-7-18)
1118 The Lore of the Blue Moon (1-21-18)
1143 Lunar Luminescence (7-15-18) photo included
1154 Lunar Confusion (9-30-18)
1159 Crescent Moon-Cowboy Junkies (11-4-18) photo included
1224 Not So Mysterious a Moon (2-2-20)
1225 Don't "Give Yourself to the Dark Side" (2-9-20)
1240 The Moon is a Shapeshifter (5-24-20)
1241 Lunar Librations Lead to Libations (5-31-20) two photos included
1262 Blue Moon Halloween (10-25-20)
1307 Follow the Waxing Moon (9-5-21)
1309 Follow the Waning Moon (9-19-21)
1337 Happy Moon, Smile Down on Me (4-3-22)
1352 Find Copernicus! (7-17-22) two photos included
1383 Follow the Moon to First Quarter (2-19-23)
1384 Follow the Moon to Its Full Phase (2-26-23) two photos included
1385 Two Lunar Misconceptions Revealed This Week (3-5-23) two photos illustrations included
1392 Trekking with the Moon: This Week and Next (4-23-23) one illustration included
1409 Blue Moon, August 30th (8-20-23) one photo included
1449 How Bright is the Moon? (5-26-24) graph included
1455 Running with the Moon/Spectacular Spica Occultation (7-7-24)
1457 Waning Moon Mingles with the Planets (7-21-24)
1461 Read by the Full Moon's Light/Saturn Flyby (8-18-24)
1467 Down Low Moon (9-29-24) one illustration included
0149 Meteors, Meteoroids, and Meteorites (7-4-99)
0258 PA Fireball was Big (8-5-01)
0290a View Vesta (3-17-02) map included
0457b Catch a Falling Star (5-24-05) map included
0523 Don't Buy a Star, Catch a Fallen One (8-27-06) photo included
0546 Meteor Crater (2-4-07) three photos included
0684 Nay to Millbillillie-Yea to Allende (9-27-09)
0704 Asteroid, Planets, and Moon on Parade (2-14-10) map included
0734 Meteorites: Window to Our Past (9-12-10)
0735 In Search of Libyan Desert Glass (9-19-10) photo included
0736 Tektites: A Sure Bet (9-26-10) map included
0766 Oh, Those Meteorite Men (4-24-11) photo included
0837 Moon to Occult Ceres (9-2-12)
0862 Gotcha, Fallen Star (2-24-13) many photos included
0931 Meteorites Tell Stories of Times Past (6-22-14) photo included
0968 Dawn Reaches Ceres (3-8-15)
1115 Moravian Donor Attains Immortality (12-31-17) photo included
1328 A Life Well Spent: Carolyn Shoemaker (1-30-22) graphics included
1371 The Life of One Brenham Pallasite (11-27-22) photo included
1377 Older Than Our Planet (1-8-23)
1389 The Cow Killer (4-2-23) three photos included
0020 Betelgeuse (1-12-97)
0103 Cygnus X-1 (8-16-98)
0104 Double, Double (8-23-98)
0155 Brightness vs. Distance: Part 1 (8-15-99) map included
0156 Brightness vs. Distance: Part 2 (8-22-99)
0186 Bright Stars of Late Winter (3-19-00) maps included
0284 Rigel, the Luminous (2-3-02) photo included
0285 Betelgeuse (2-10-02) photo included
0287 Are You Sirius? (2-24-02) map included
0344 Kirchhoff's Laws (3-30-03) photo included
0368b Lonely Fomalhaut (9-15-03) photo included above article
0391b Star Birth in Orion (2-27-04) photos included
0443 Sirius: Brightest Star of the Night (2-13-05) map included
0578 Two Eyes (9-16-07) photo included
0682 Fomalhaut: Not so Lonely Anymore (9-13-09) one photo and one cartoon included
0686 Measuring Brightness in Astronomy (10-11-09)
0788 Well Hello, Mira (9-25-11) map included
0799 Star Bright? (12-11-11)
0854 In the Goldilocks Zone (12-30-12)
0879 Spica: Alpha Star of "Lizard Lady" (6-23-13) map and photo included
0911 "Death Star" Rocks Nearby Galaxy (2-2-14) two photos included
0914 Serious about Sirius (2-23-14) two photos included
0915 Rigel: Blue Jewel of Orion (3-2-14)
0916 Betelgeuse: Do Not Resuscitate (3-9-14)
0948 Seeing Double (10-19-14) photo included
1011 Eying Aldebaran (1-3-16)
1048 Proxima: To 'B' or Not To Be? (9-18-16)
1066 The Three Marys: Stellar Role Models (1-22-17)
1176 Will the Real Orion Please Stand! (3-3-19)
1182 Black Hole Lurks in Spring Sky (4-14-19)
1190 As Constant as the North Star? (6-9-19)
1220 Belelgeuse: Where Have You Gone? (1-5-20) map included
1223 What Now, Betelgeuse? (1-26-20)
1226 Betelgeuse: Deadline Approaches (2-16-20)
1227 Dead Serious about Sirius (2-23-20)
1242 Beyond the Rainbow (6-7-20)
1345 Luminaries of the Spring (5-29-22)
1426 Sometimes I Just Want to Scream! (12-17-23)
1482 The Paradox of Algol the Demon Star (1-12-25)
0146 The Beehive (6-13-99)
0254 Great Cluster in Hercules (7-8-01) map included
0341 The Beehive (3-9-03)
0477 Perseus' Double Cluster (10-9-05) map included
0531 The Milk Dipper (10-22-06) photo included
0547 Orion's Sword (2-11-07) map and photo included
0553 Distance Makes a Difference (3-25-07)
0567 Scorpius Dominates the South (7-1-07) one map and one photo included
0568 Here Comes Sagittarius (7-8-07)
0569 Nebular Patches and Star Splotches (7-15-07) two photos included
0618 M13: Best Globular North of the Equator (6-22-08) map included
0762 The Big-Big Ursa Major Cluster (3-27-11) map included
0776 Globular Clusters and the Milky Way (7-3-11) map included
0883 Two Gems in Sagittarius (7-21-13) map included
0917 Dissecting Orion's Sword (3-16-14) photo included
1012 Sisters All Aglow in the Frosty Night (1-10-16)
0201 Summer: Looking North (7-2-00) map included
0202 Summer: Looking East (7-9-00) map included
0203 Summer: Looking South (7-16-00) map included
0204 Summer: Looking West (7-23-00) map included
0205 Summer: Looking Overhead (7-30-00) map included
0515 The Sky in July: Looking North (7-2-06) map included
0516 The Sky in July: Looking East (7-9-06) map included
0517 The Sky in July: Looking South (7-16-06) map included
0518 The Sky in July: Looking West (7-23-06) map included
0519 The Sky in July: Looking OVerhead (7-30-06) map included
0214 Fall: Looking North (10-1-00) map included
0215 Fall: Looking East (10-8-00) map included
0216 Fall: Looking South (10-16-00) map included
0217 Fall: Looking West (10-22-00) map included
0218 Fall: Looking Overhead (10-29-00) map included
0228 Winter: Looking North (1-7-01) map included
0229 Winter: Looking East (1-14-01) map included
0230 Winter: Looking South (1-21-01) map included
0231 Winter: Looking West (1-28-01) map included