The Planet Quiz Show  

Answer:  Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune

Planets with Volcanic Moons

Many sulfur volcanoes are in continuous eruption.
Water volcanoes erupt from Europa’s thin icy crust.


Plumes of material, probably methane, were seen rising from Titan’s surface by the Huygens Lander in 2005.
Water geysers were photographed in eruption from this small satellite by the Cassini spacecraft in 2006.
NeptuneTritonNitrogen geysers were photographed by Voyager 2 in 1989.

[Io in eruption]
Jupiter's Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. In these side views of Io, you can see the volcanoes in action, erupting sulfur particles high above Io's surface.

Eruopa's water volcanoes
The dark lines across Europa's surface may be where water volcanoes erupted. The water may have brought up darker organic material which froze when it was exposed to the cold conditions which are found on Europa's surface. The volcanoes probably erupted when water pushed up against the icy crust and broke it. Then the water pushed the icy crust to either side before the water froze. Europa goes around the planet Jupiter.


Triton's nitrogen geysers
Neptune's moon, Triton, has nitrogen gysers which show up as long dark streaks on the moon's surface.


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