Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: |
Current Moon Phase |
Perseid meteor rates will be at their best on Sunday into Monday morning, August 12/13, but good rates will be obtained several days before and after the event. The moon is not a consideration for this year's Perseids which could reach rates of 80 meteors per hour from very dark locations. This map is set for 11:00 p.m. Perseids will be radiating from the red bull's eye on the map. Graphics by Gary A. Becker... |
Examples of correctly exposed images of the partially eclipsed moon of March 3, 2007 can be seen here. Read the article for reference exposures. These lunar eclipse images were taken in a completely dark but hazy sky. For the August 28 lunar eclipse, as the light of dawn allows land objects to be seen more distinctly, the partially eclipsed moon may need to be overexposed by a half or whole stop to gain the correct esthetic balance. For time zones to the west where the eclipse will be total and near the horizon during the early segments of dawn, I suggest starting at one to three seconds at F/5.6, ASA 800. Images by Gary A. Becker... |
These three images of the total lunar eclipse of August 28, 2007 were taken from Coopersburg, PA between 5:45 a.m. and 5:54 a.m. using a Canon D20 digital camera and a 200mm zoom lens. Exposures were one second at F/5.6, ASA 800. The increase in the background lighting was the result of a brightening dawn sky. In the last image the eclipse had reached totality, and moon was completely within the Earth's shadow. This was a very bright eclipse. All photos by Gary A. Becker... |